BC Doctors of Optometry

BCDO Staff

The staff at BC Doctors of Optometry are responsible for the day to day operations of the Association.

Check the list below for our departments. To contact a specific staff member, please Contact Us and state the name of the staff member that you would like to speak with.

For general inquiries, visit our Contact Us page.

Kathryn Bell

Kathryn Bell

Chief Executive Officer

Claire Tusiime

Claire Tusiime

Operations Manager

May Lin

May Lin

Programs Manager

Greg Neher

Greg Neher

EyeSafe Senior Manager

Krista McBratney

Krista McBratney

EyeSafe Coordinator

Clinton Yeung

Clinton Yeung

EyeSafe Administrative Coordinator

Megan Wei

Megan Wei

Continuing Education and Events Manager

Nathalie Lee

Nathalie Lee

Membership Coordinator

Emily Clark

Emily Clark

Communications Manager

Adelaide Chan

Adelaide Chan

Communications Coordinator

Surbhi Solanki

Surbhi Solanki

Senior Bookkeeper

Peyton Saklofsky

Peyton Saklofsky

Junior Bookkeeper

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