Not all contact lens solutions are created equal. All solutions react differently on the contact lens material, leaving you susceptible to eye irritation or, in rare cases, corneal ulcers.
All contact lens solutions on the market today are very effective at killing bacteria and other pathogens on contact lenses. However, some brands of solutions are much better suited for a particular type of contact lens. All solutions react differently on the contact lens material, so it’s important to be careful in choosing your solution to avoid eye irritation or, in rare cases, corneal ulcers.
The Science Behind Solution Testing
A doctor of optometry will assess the compatibility of a contact lens on a patient’s eye by examining the corneal staining pattern with a biomicroscope. If a patient has a high percentage of corneal staining, then they typically would experience an increase in lens awareness and irritation. This leaves the individual more open to chance of infection or inflammation. The chance of developing a corneal ulcer also increases.
Research has shown that some contact lens solutions can yield varying degrees of corneal staining depending on the contact lens brand. These findings stress the importance of using the correct brand of contact lens solution recommended by your doctor of optometry.
What you should watch out for
Of particular concern is the use of private label solutions supplied by larger Big Box chain stores. They typically have more compatibility issues. The incompatibility of contact lenses with solutions could potentially lead to a toxic reaction that is commonly caused by the preservative in the solution.
When this happens, alternative contact lens solutions or even daily disposable contact lenses should be considered. Toxic reactions can also occur by using expired contact lens solution.
It is always best to talk with your doctor of optometry to ensure that your contact lens solution is suitable for use with your contact lens brand.