BC Doctors of Optometry

Studying Optometry in Canada

Membership with BC Doctors of Optometry can help prepare you in building your new practice, connect you with other Doctors of Optometry and help you stay current on the information and the issues that matter most to you. If you are an optometry student currently enrolled in an accredited optometry program, your membership with BC Doctors of Optometry is free. We invite you to apply today to take advantage of the many benefits of student membership.

Students who wish to obtain a Doctor of Optometry (OD) designation must complete a Doctor of Optometry program that is either four or five years in length, preceded by two to four years of science-based undergraduate training.

There are two Schools of Optometry in Canada: University of Waterloo and a French language program at the University of Montreal. Some Canadian students complete their optometric training in the United States.

All practising optometrists are licensed by their provincial regulatory body in the same manner as other health professions.

Like to Learn More?​

If you are interested in learning more, the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) website provides information about Canadian and American Schools of Optometry.

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