BC Doctors of Optometry

First Nations Health Benefits program
Brought to you by the First Nations Health Authority

Keep Your Vision Strong: Early Detection of Glaucoma Matters 

Did you know that approximately 80 per cent of visual impairment is either preventable or curable with regular check-ups and treatment? The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) offers clients a comprehensive vision care plan through the First Nations Health Benefits (FNHB) program, to support overall eye health and detect early signs of conditions like glaucoma. 

Glaucoma is an eye condition that damages the optic nerve, leading to vision loss and, in some cases, blindness. The symptoms often develop slowly and may go unnoticed without regular eye exams. This is especially important for those over 60, as glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in this age group. 

Early detection and treatment can prevent further damage and help protect vision, making regular eye exams key for vision health and wellness. 

FNHB coverage for vision care 

The FNHA offers a range of programs and services, including vision care, to over 150,000 First Nations people and 203 communities across BC. The FNHB vision program strives to ensure coverage is accessible, offers clients choice and aligns with industry best practices.  

Coverage under the FNHB vision benefit includes: 




Eye exam  

$100 for a routine eye exam every two years (annually for those 18 years and under).  

This coverage is in addition to the MSP eye exam coverage for those over 65 years and under 18 years of age. MSP coverage should be accessed prior to FNHB coverage.  

Prescription eyewear  

$275 every two years for prescription eyewear ($415 for high index prescriptions).  

This coverage is in addition to MSP coverage. Providers must bill MSP first and FNHB coverage can be used towards the remaining balance.  

Accessing the FNHB vision benefit 

Eligible First Nations People in BC must first enroll as a client with FNHB. Clients can submit claims to FNHB online, by mail or choose a provider that can bill directly to Pacific Blue Cross, which administers vision benefits on behalf of FNHA. Clients can choose any qualified optometrist that they are comfortable with, including those who are experienced in working with children and youth if needed. 

For more information about FNHA’s Vision Benefit or eligibility, please visit the website or call FNHB at 1-855-550-5454. 


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