BC Doctors of Optometry


Foreign Objects

What do you do if you have a foreign object in your eye?Rinse out your eye with the foreign object immediately. Many workplaces will have an eyewash station that you can use for this purpose, or you can use a steady stream of clean, lukewarm water. Remove contact lenses if you wear them, but never […]

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Digital Eye Strain

Research is showing a rise in the detection of visual problems because of the number of hours spent in front of a computer. Uncorrected hyperopia or myopia, astigmatism and wearing multifocals can all make computer use less comfortable and efficient. Depending on your condition, your eyes could be exerting extra effort to focus or be forced to work

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Floaters & Spots

What are floaters and spots? Floaters (often called floating spots) are small, semi-transparent cobwebs, specks or squiggles that appear in your field of vision. They are actually small particles within the gel inside the eye (called vitreous humour) that become noticeable when they fall within the line of sight. They move when you move your

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What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a chronic progressive eye disease characterized by a degeneration of the optic nerve. This can lead to serious vision loss if not detected and treated early. The optic nerve takes all of the information the eye sees and transmits that information to the brain. Glaucoma is one of the leading

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Dry Eye

What is dry eye? The tears your eyes normally produce are necessary for overall eye health and clear vision. Dry eye occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears or produce tears that do not have the proper chemical composition. Dry eye may also be a result of excess tear evaporation. What causes dry

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