BC Doctors of Optometry


Urgent Care

What are the most common urgent eye care issues? Doctors of Optometry provide urgent eye care for issues including: infections (ie. pink eye) inflammation (ie. blepharitis, allergies, etc) eye injuries (ie. removing foreign bodies from the eye) As trained professionals, optometrists can assess unusual or sudden vision changes and various conditions causing eye pain. When necessary, they […]

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Foreign Objects

What do you do if you have a foreign object in your eye?Rinse out your eye with the foreign object immediately. Many workplaces will have an eyewash station that you can use for this purpose, or you can use a steady stream of clean, lukewarm water. Remove contact lenses if you wear them, but never

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Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a very safe and effective procedure to remove the cloudy lens from the eye and replace it with a clear implant. With improved technology, there are now more options to help you find the proper lens implant for your eyes. What is a cataract? When the normally clear lens within your eye

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Prescribing Medication

Depending on the province, most doctors of optometry can prescribe therapeutic pharmaceutical agents (TPAs) to treat certain eye diseases and conditions, such as infections, inflammations, allergies, diseases and injuries. TPAs may be administered orally or topically. Depending on the province, an authorized doctor of optometry can prescribe medication to treat: Bacterial and viral eye infections;

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Treatment Options

From vision, eye and general health needs, through to framing a change of look, no one can provide the scope of services and health care that doctors of optometry deliver. As doctors of optometry, we are trained to the utmost standards. Most optometrists have earned a four-year Bachelor of Science degree or higher, followed by

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