BC Doctors of Optometry

What are ocular migraines?

Ocular migraines can start with a vision loss or issues in one eye, followed by a throbbing headache. The vision issues include seeing zigzags, flickering lights or enlarging blind spots.

How do you treat ocular migraines?

For most people, over-the-counter pain medications work well for managing the ocular migraines. 

For people who often have this type of migraine, it is worth keeping a log book to keep track of:

  • Your diet. Certain foods that have been known to trigger migraines. Some of these are: cheese, red wine, smoked meats, chocolate and caffeinated drinks. 
  • The number of hours of sleep you get per night.
  • Times of emotional stress.

Tracking these can be helpful in determining possible triggers to your migraines.

Remember, it’s important to call your optometrist whenever you experience unusual visual symptoms to rule out serious conditions that might impact your eye health.

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